Sunday 10 August 2014

Staying Away from Hollywood Forever.... Never Going Inside Now Facing Custody and Child Support Court Proceedings...

Staying Away from Hollywood Forever.... Never Going Inside Now Facing Custody and Child Support Court Proceedings...

Husband, William Bradley Pitt due for court servicing in Saipan at Commonwealth Supreme Court. Both divorce and (refiled) order of protections papers filed on Friday, August 8, 2014. The Family Court denied the last order of protection filed just a week earlier. Pretend (like Mr Pitt must have pretended aka not married) in Family Court that their reason for denial was due to there being no family relation between her and the Respondent for the request to be granted. Instead, denying it even though everyone on the island including the Judge Teresa K Kim Tenerio or preside of the hearing just the day (Aug 7, 2014) before publicly and loudly referred to the only wife of Brad Pitt as MRS BRAD PITT asking me if I wish to be referred to as MRS. BRAD PITT throughout the hearing ... answering her " that would be fine." But, somehow family court just downstairs does not know that the Petitioner as Mrs Brad PITT or are they deliberately blocking legal matter proceeding ahead they way Tenerio herself did on the same day.

Brad Pitt take billions from his wife's film company for years. Only but deliberately purchasing for her a $140 million property in Paris in 2011. Her assurance that she would finally receive the funds earned from her Excalibur-one aka Plan B Film Company launched 2002. Not even the offer to pay for her flight to arrive safely at the property was offered instead her efforts to save herself which now with Yahoo refusing to pay her even the enormous increased generated revenue earned since hitting 1 million hits, she is stranded on the streets of Saipan after 10 months on the streets of Guam.

CEO of EliteOne Provocateur (NOW PROVOCATEUR) and Paramount Vantage aka Vintage Row and owed properties around the world used for her EliteOne Provocateur events seemingly see other celebrities now breaking and entering or using falsely alleged ARRA money via children born of my bloodline without her permission to gain access the money while the US Government has not even once contacted her to regarding any sort of sum or payment aka payout. She simply has never ever been given anything of the funds ever...

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